How do I access my online program?

Instructions on how to download the app and how to use your program will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchasing.

Will I have lifting targets in the ready to go programs?

Yes. Once you complete the first week, and enter your lifts, the following weeks will populate with individualised targets. For week 1 you should just start with lifting weights that are comfortable for you.

What if my targets are too light?

That’s ok, you can go heavier. The most important thing to consider in all programs is to always have 1-2 reps left in the tank. i.e never lift to failure unless instructed too.

What equipment would I need access to for your gym programs?

This will depend on which program you have purchased, however i would reccommend you have access to a functional gym or a very well equipt home gym set up.

Who has the iPerform Lab been designed for?

The iPerform Lab is for EVERYONE. It doesn’t matter what gym you attend, what level you are at, what sport you play, we welcome everyone. We can help you optimize your performance and help you achieve your goals, whether that be in the gym, in recreational sport, professional sport or just daily movement.

Do you offer custom programs?

Yes. Those who visit the iPerform Lab will have the option to add on a custom program following a testing series, only if they want to. This is not required as some individuals have their own coach or just want some insights to help design their own training plan.

Do you provide nutrition advice in your custom programs?

Yes we can provide nutritional advice, Aaron is a qualified sports nutritionist. If we feel that you would benefit from a dietitian then we would refer you to a preferred specialist.

Do you support injuries / rehab?

YES! iPerform Lab works closely with physios and other allied health professionals (EPs, Surgeons etc.) to support you in your rehab. We can provide objective data that can aid your return to play and reduce your risk of re-injury.